"My favorite editor"
"Strikes an important balance"
"Tightened up writing to make it more impactful"
"Continues to be an incredible mentor"
"Kept our production schedule moving"
I've worked with Megan for over 11 years on hundreds of stories and she's always been my favorite editor.
-Mary Caperton Morton, Writer, Author and Photographer
Megan strikes an important balance between producing technical writing that is publicly accessible, while not apologizing for the complexity of the subject at hand.
-Scott Foss, Paleontologist
Megan was a terrific editor during my years of contributing to EARTH Magazine. She was always clear about deadlines both long-term and short-, and would inevitably tighten up my writing to make it more impactful. I'm grateful for the interactions I was lucky enough to have with her at that magazine!
-Callan Bentley, Geologist, Professor, Writer
Meg guided me through the externship program at Temblor and continues to be an incredible mentor. She provides constructive feedback that improves my writing and highlights what I've done well. She’s thoughtful, kind, and SO patient. Her editorial skills are exceptional and my writing has improved significantly as a result. If you have the opportunity to work with her, especially if you are a fledgling writer, I highly recommend the experience! She’s an incredible editor, writer and teacher, and has a knack for showing her mentees how to do better without tearing us down.
-Alka Tripathy-Lang, Science Writer
Megan stands out as a mentor because she takes an interest in me not only as a writer, but as a person and friend. I can approach her with any question or problem about science writing, and I know she will advocate for me and help me to the best of her abilities. She's a one-of-a-kind mentor.
-Shi En Kim, Science Writer
During a lapse in having our own onsite editor, Megan filled in for EarthDate.org with thoughtful, proactive and thorough review of documents that support our weekly radio broadcasts. She was able to step in without missing a beat to keep our production schedule moving, and provided organizational tools we continue to use.
-Juli Hennings, Project Manager & Content Producer for EarthDate (University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology
Competent, Professional & Very Skilled
Michael E. Webber, Deputy Director at the Energy Institute, University of Texas
I highly recommend Megan Sever! I worked directly with her year-in-and-year-out for over a decade when she was at EARTH Magazine and Geotimes as I would write a few articles each year for those magazines. I found her to be competent, professional and a very skilled editor. I’ve worked with dozens of editors over the years on my various pieces I’ve authored (NY Times, Forbes, Scientific American, CNN, etc.), and I wouldn’t lavish praise like that on all of them!
Megan's impact on my writing is so positive, I acknowledged her in my book "Power Trip: The Story of Energy" (Basic Books, 2019). That book received very positive reviews from the Wall Street Journal and New York Times, partly as a consequence of her effective editing. Megan deserves my gratitude and I hope you will consider hiring her for your next project.
The Most Capable Editor
Lionel Jackson, Adjunct Professor, Department of Earth Science, Simon Fraser University
Megan Sever is the most capable editor whom I have worked with in scientific communication. Scientists like myself are often challenged in communicating with the public. She is a master at doing just that. Over the past two decades, she has repeatedly helped me to turn dry scientific prose into engaging journalism.
Skillful Editing
John Copeland, filmmaker, author
I have had the distinct pleasure of having Megan edit my columns, 23 by my count, for EARTH Magazine from 2014 through 2018. I never ceased to be amazed with her skillful editing of my pieces. In nearly every instance, Meg made the pieces flow better and made me sound a lot more cogent. A good editor can make an average writer into a very good writer and that has been my experience with Megan.
Prompt, Efficient, Congenial, Tactful, Imaginative & Creative
Fred Schwab, Professor of Geology Emeritus, Washington & Lee University
I am happy to enthusiastically testify to Megan Sever as a topnotch writer and editor. I worked with Megan for more than a decade as a writer for Geotimes and EARTH Magazine. She was an absolute pleasure to work with: prompt, efficient, congenial, tactful, imaginative and creative. She could also be politely tough, and every piece of the dozens of Geologic Columns I wrote for publication invariably improved markedly thanks to her generous help. She was obviously very adept at juggling multiple tasks in a timely fashion, but had the gift of making the writer believe that he or she was the top priority. I firmly believe that much of the success of EARTH Magazine is due to Megan Sever's efforts and I’m happy to endorse her.
Skilled at Building Networks
Christopher Keane, Director, Geoscience Profession and Higher Education at the American Geosciences Institute
I was Meg's supervisor while she was Managing Editor and Editor of EARTH Magazine. Meg is extraordinarily organized and adept at keeping a team motivated and in step. Through the entire time, she ensured every issue was sent on schedule, regardless of the external issues.
She is also very skilled at building effective networks of colleagues - she established a robust and very loyal portfolio of freelancers who could cover the spectrum.
Though she can be a tough editor, she is also good at helping folks through the trauma of their first time being professionally edited, ensuring they understand not only is the product better for the publication, but also for them.
Deft Edits & Constructive Comments
Terri Cook, Freelance Writer, Editor and Illustrator, Down2EarthScience, European Geophysical Union
Megan has been my favorite editor to work with for the past eight years. She is a resourceful manager who leads by example. Her deft edits and constructive comments are always offered in a noncritical way, and her production skills are both efficient and effective. She really understands her audience and exercises sound news judgment. I heartily recommend working with her.
Unparalleled Time Management & Organizational Skills
Sara E. Pratt, Science Communicator and Editor
I had the pleasure of working with Megan Sever on the EARTH editorial team for eight years. Meg is a highly skilled and resourceful manager, a decisive team leader, a talented science writer/editor/communicator, and a supportive colleague. Her time management and organizational skills are unparalleled. As the leader of a small team with increasingly limited resources, Meg wrangled budgets, made assignments and solicited contributions to produce a standout earth science magazine, month in and month out for more than a decade, keeping a complex, multithreaded editorial process on track to produce 18 issues a year in both print and digital formats. With her uncompromising work ethic, I am convinced there is no challenge she could not meet and overcome. I look forward to working with her again in the future.
Gifted Leader & Manager
Timothy Oleson, Eos Science Editor
Megan is a highly skilled science editor and journalist with a keen eye for all facets of editorial production, from the selection and editing of engaging content to the packaging of that content with appealing design and layout elements. She is also a gifted leader and manager, possessing strong organizational and planning skills and understanding how to positively motivate those with whom she works.
Dream Editor With Exceptional News Judgment
Sarah Derouin, Freelance Writer and Editor
Megan is an editor that writers dream about—smart, thorough, and insightful, but also kind, friendly, and a master of structure and story arc. In the five years I’ve known her, I have always been impressed with her ability to stay on top of the latest trends in science and tease out why it matters to society, businesses, or policymakers. Recently, Meg and I collaborated on a project and her attention to detail, ability to spot a great story, and broad experience made the experience a joy. She is a natural choice for editorial or science writing projects that need a careful eye, witty prose, and efficient approaches.